variables and uncertain parameters. For example, modern communication systems typically
couple sophisticated error correcting codes with schemes for adaptive channel equalization.
Additionally, many computer vision algorithms use prior knowledge about the statistics of typical surfaces to infer the three–dimensional (3D) shape of a scene from ambiguous, local image
measurements............... : Click here
couple sophisticated error correcting codes with schemes for adaptive channel equalization.
Additionally, many computer vision algorithms use prior knowledge about the statistics of typical surfaces to infer the three–dimensional (3D) shape of a scene from ambiguous, local image
measurements............... : Click here

This wonderful branch of mathematics is both beautiful and useful. It is the cornerstone upon which signal and image processing
is built. This short chapter can not be a comprehensive survey
of linear algebra; it is meant only as a brief introduction and review. The ideas and presentation order are modeled after Strang’s
highly recommended Linear Algebra and its Applications............. : Click here
is built. This short chapter can not be a comprehensive survey
of linear algebra; it is meant only as a brief introduction and review. The ideas and presentation order are modeled after Strang’s
highly recommended Linear Algebra and its Applications............. : Click here